Sunday, March 27, 2011

“I am what you see, what you hear when I sing. No more, no less”

In the recent interview Nikos Economopoulos has given to Radiokymata 104,4 (Thessaloniki), the most popular young Greek singer sincerely answered the questions of the broadcaster of the programme, Sotiris Karampetsos.

Once again, Nikos talked about how appeared the intent to create the title track of his latest, already double platinum album “Doro Gia Sena”. He recalled that he asked the author of the words, lyricist Eleni Giannatsoulia to write a song as a gift to his fans. As a result, it came out a love song, but he is very pleased with it.

For now Nikos is very happy with the winter concert season in “FIX”, where he performs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night together with Nino and Joakeim Fokas.

With his usual modesty, Nikos explained that continued success of this show is due to the diversity song genres represented in it. The singer believes that he and his stage partners will be working at “FIX” approximately until the middle of April. After that (hopefully after a short break) Nikos will be performing, most possible (as he says) at the nightclub “Thea” in Athens. He realizes that people in other places (and in particular in Thessaloniki) are waiting for him and he would certainly come there to perform. But he said, that this depends not only on him (‘This is not in my hands”)

On the question whether he would continue to work as a professional singer if not the victory in the competition "Dream Show" Nikos said that he believes God wanted him to became who he is.

Nikos became popular and successful in quite a short period of time, he already had experience to sing along with such big singers as Anna Vissi, Giannis Parios, Nikos Makropoulos and others. But he was never afraid to sing with or without them - he was and he is used to think only about the song, about the audience.

Regarding Eurovision contest Nikos said that he would not be interested to take part.

The format of this competition does not suite him at the moment.

As usual, Nikos was not going deep into his personal life issues, but eagerly said, that he is glad to see his fans coming to greet him and to take photos at his dressing room after performances and that he treats everybody equally.

On the question why he is still a good guy, even when he is that famous and successful, Nikos said that he would not like to be asked ”Why are you a good guy”.

He can’t say that he is a good guy – “I am what you see, what you hear when I sing. No more, no less”

At the same time Nikos expressed his concerns regarding the situation in Greece and how the crisis affects life of people (especially young people).

When Nikos was asked about who he would like to sing with he answered –“With everybody”.

At the end Nikos have sung (on the request of Sotiris) a line from the song “Den Eimai Kanenos” and even though he was not in the best health condition, it sounded very attractive and this was the best ending to the interview one can imagine.

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